
IAAT – The International Association for Andullation Technology (IAAT)


Guy Declerck MDRetired Spinal Orthopaedic
Medical MD-, PhD-, FRCS-, FRCSEdOrth-, and MChOrth-studies
Spinal Surgical and Spinal Research Fellowships, Perth, Western Australia (1988-1991)
Spinal Orthopaedic Surgeon and Spinal Surgical Instructor
Research and Development: Innovative & Restorative Spinal Technologies
Spinal Research Consultant BVBA Medical Consulting Advice (MCA)
Medical Doctor National Belgian Judo Team (1992-2000)
President International Association Andullation Technology (IAAT)
Prof. Dr. Em. Pierre LievensVrije Universiteit Brussel
Co-founder of the ” European Society of Lymphology ”
Member of the ” International Society of Lymphology ”
Former chairman of the department of ” Rehabilitation Research” of the Vrije Universiteit van
Receiver of the ” Europa Donna Award ” from Queen Mathilde of Belgium for his work on Lymphedema
Receiver of the ” Hilde Breurs Award ” from the Vrije Universiteit van Brussel for his scientific work
Vice President International Association Andullation Technology (IAAT)
Prof. Dr. phil. Roland Stutz, Dipl. Sportwiss
Assistant at Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University, Institute of Sport Sciences, Frankfurt Germany (1989-1994)
Head of Department of Diagnostic for Rehabilitation and Perfomance, SPOREG Rehabilitation Center Frankfurt, Germany (1995-2006)
Medical Advisor UFF Uzbekistan Football Federation (National Soccer Team, (2004-2005)
Receiver of the “VRT-Award 2004” from Association for Rehabilitation and Trainingtherapy for his work on Asys
Medical Advisor AFFA Azerbaitschan National Soccer Team (2008-2009)
President German Association Andullation Therapy (DGA)
Director of Science at “Institute of Cell-Information” (2010-2013)
Member of the board “German Future Academy”
Co-Founder & Member of the board “European Association Andullation Therapy” (EAAT) – 2011
Co-Founder & Member of the board “International Association Andullation Technology” (IAAT) – 2015
Prof. Dr. Juan Ribas Serna, MD, PhD
2000- Profesor Catedrático de Universidad del área de Fisiología en el Departamento de Medicina, Fisiología Médica y Biofísica de la Facultad de Medicina de Sevilla.
2004-2011: Jefe de los servicios Médicos del club de fútbol Sevilla F.C.
1984-2000: Profesor Titular de Fisiología en el Departamento de Fisiología de la Facultad de Medicina en Sevilla.
1989-1992: Miembro de la Comisión Nacional para la evaluación de Proyectos de I+D en España.
1994-2002: Vicedecano de la Facultad de Odontología en Sevilla.
1994-1998: Director del Centro de Medicina del Deporte de la Comunidad Autónoma de Andalucía.
1996- 2004: Miembro de la Comisión de Doctorado de la Universidad de Sevilla.
2001-2010: Miembro de la Agencia Nacional de Evaluación y Perspectiva en Madrid.
2001-2009: Director del Departamento de Fisiología Médica y Biofísica de la Facultad de Medicina de Sevilla.
Vicepresidente de la Sociedad Andaluza de Medicina del Deporte (SAMEDE) desde su fundación hasta 2006.
Miembro de la Federación de Medicina Deportiva de España (FEMEDE).
Miembro de la Asociación Internacional de Ingeniería Biomédica.
Miembro del European College of Sport Science.
Miembro de la IAAT (International Association for Andullation Therapy).
Assoc. Prof. Dariusz Mucha, PhD.
Specializes in the science of physical culture, a specialist in physical therapy, physical education, health and recreation. Author and co-author of several scientific publications in the field of physical rehabilitation, massage, wellness, natural health methods, health promotion, correction of faulty posture. Notable items include: seven monographs and five books and one academic script. Among them are: ”Classic Massage”, ”Human Body Therapeutic Microsystems”, ”Massage With Elements of Rehabilitation”, ”Promoting Health Against the Hazards of Civilization”, “Classification, Development and Evaluation of Human Movement”, “Prevention Risk Factors for Lifestyle Diseases”, “Health and its Determinants”, “Lymphatic Drainage in the Treatment of Edema, Cosmetics and Biological Regeneration”, “Fundamentals of Manual Therapy”, ”Promotion of Health and Nutrition in the Prevention of Civilization Diseases”,”Extreme Challanges. The Limits of Human Endurance”,”Areas of Health Threats of Modern Man”, “Physical Activity During Aging as Part of Health Care Prevention”. Reviewer of several books and monographs. Lecturer of Polish and foreign universities. Head of the Department of Wellness and Posture Correction in the Institute of Biomedical Sciences Unviersity of Physical Education in Cracow. In addition to numerous jobs and full social functions, including: Vice President PTF OM, Deputy Editor-in-chief of the quarterly, ”Reflexology”, a member of the examination committee of the State Unviersity of Preszov (Slovakia) and many other scientific boards of foundations and research magazines. Author of more than one hundred publications.
Sven Marien MSc
MSc Physical Education, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (1996-2000)
Independent Physical Coach and Fitness Expert (2000)
Physical Conditioning and Consulting Olympic Athletes and Teams; Flemish Government (2006-2016)
Author(co) and Docent Physiology, Testing/Measuring and Physical Conditioning; Vlaamse Trainersschool (2011)
Coordinator and Scientific Member of the International Association Andullation Technology (2019)
Prof. dr. Nele Adriaenssens
Lymphatic and Oncologic Rehabilitation
Medical Oncology- University Hospital Brussels
Lymphclinic – University Hospital Brussels
Nele Adriaenssens VUB



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